114 Elliotsville Road, Farmington, PA 15437


Municipal Office Hours:  Mon.-Thu.  8am-4pm  --and--  Fri. 8am-12pm

Tax Calculations
for Wharton Township, PA

The amount of tax you pay to Wharton Township is easy to calculate. Use the information below!

There are a few things you should know:

  • We calculate your taxes based on a millage rate, which is the rate at which your property taxes. A mill is 1/1000 of a dollar.
  • Property taxes are computed by multiplying the taxable value of your property by the number of mills levied.   
  • The current Millage Rate for Wharton Township is .347 mills, which is the lowest rate in Fayette County.

 Wharton Township, PA Tax Collection Data

How to calculate your Wharton Township, PA Township Real Estate Tax

Assessed Value of Your Parcel & Structures x 0.000347 = Total Wharton Township, PA Real Estate Tax

Example: A Resident of Wharton Township with a parcel of land and structures assessed at $100,000.00 would pay $34.70 in Real Estate Tax to the Township.

Per Capita Tax in Wharton Township, PA

A Per Capita Tax is a flat rate tax equally levied on all adult residents within Wharton Township, PA. It is not dependent upon employment.

The current Per Capita Tax Rate in Wharton Township is $5.00.

As of January 01, 2011, Wharton Township Residents 65 years of age or older and Wharton Township Residents who are Members of the Active Military are exempt from paying the WhartonTownship, PA Per Capita Tax. Click here to read Ordinance No. 01 of 2010, which provides a detailed description of the process to obtain this Wharton Township, PA per capita exemption.

Wharton Township, PA Tax Rate Summary

Type of Tax Rate
Amusement Tax (percent) 5.000%
Earned Income - Non-Resident (percent) 1.000%
Earned Income - Resident (percent) 0.500%
Local Service Tax (LST) (dollars) $47.00
Mercantile/Business Privilege Tax - Retail (mills) 0.7500
Mercantile/Business Privilege Tax - Wholesale (mills)    0.5000
Per Capita Tax (dollars) $5.00
Real Estate Tax - General Purpose (mills) 0.3470
Real Estate Transfer Tax (percent) 0.500%

**Note:  The above tax rates represent the Wharton Township portion only and do not necessarily reflect the entire tax paid by an individual.